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How to wear brown autumn boots?

After the outside temperatures we see that we have little and comes in the autumn. When I think I have to sort out my clothes, climb the top shelves on the thin ones and "pull them out" on the thick ones, I get fatigue.

I think you know or you've noticed that there are some "emblematic" outfits every season. For example, I noticed the outfit made of a dress with a strap and jeans jacket, dress and opaque tights, there are a few that I do not come to mind now.

Some of my favorite autumn outfits contain long brown boots.

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Again about Oxford shoes

Oxford shoes have slipped for a couple of good seasons in our outfits and we are grateful to the fact that we can no longer separate them from them! A fashionista will shine on the highest heels, but there is a time when she just wants to relax without stopping to be incredibly stylish, and at such times choose Oxford shoes. Here's how fashion evolved in 2016 and what are the Oxford pairs of shoes that you do not have to miss in the wardrobe! Classic Oxford Shoes Fashion is reviving old trends and refreshing trends, but at the same time, the classic will never die. Going on the "Why repair it if it's not broke", classical Oxford shoes continue to populate our dressing in 2016 too! Tomboy style is the one that is now prevailing when you ask yourself "how to wear my Oxford shoes". Torn blouses and leather jackets have become indispensable, and the crop top continues to dominate girls' clothing choices everywhere. Neutral colors and minimali

Just more shoes...

the cold season is near, and rain and cold weather can be taken by surprise at any time, which is why we urgently need to make a list of the pairs of shoes we need. The wardrobe is being reorganized at the end of the warm season to make room for autumn outfits. Before looking through the shops much you want, we need to know the trends of the autumn-winter season 2017, which patterns are in vogue and which would suit our needs. We've made a list of the main shoe trends, and then you can guide yourself in your choices. Shoes with orthopedic foot Orthopedic foot shoes, a blend of comfort and elegance, are women's preferences. They are distinguished from ordinary shoes by being able to keep the foot of the foot in an optimal, healthy leg and column position, thus preventing medical problems or even improving the existing ones. This autumn is among the most wearable shoes due to their versatility. They can fit into a wide range of outfits. It integrates perfectly in offi

Platform shoes

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